Many people dream of owning their own business. Whether it is a bakery, car repair shop, or anything in between, one of the most vital parts of starting your own business is making sure you are following legal processes. If you are starting your own business, odds are you are well-versed in your trade of choice, not business law. We want every small business owner to thrive in our community, and as a law firm practicing business law and collections, we can help new or established businesses do that! Below are some areas of business law that Rucker, Rucker and Aymett can advise you in.

Business Creation

You have to go through specific legal processes as a new business owner. Some of those processes include creating your business as a corporation, LLC, etc. and obtaining needed permits.

Employment Law

If you are hiring employees to work for you, you must follow specific hiring and employment guidelines to stay within legal regulations.


Unfortunately, at some point in your business ownership, you may be faced with clients or customers who refuse to pay what is owed. If you wish to collect money from a client or customer that has declined, it is a good idea to employ legal help.

At Rucker, Rucker and Aymett, we are happy to have the opportunity to serve small businesses in the middle Tennessee area. If you need help with business law or collections, call Rucker Rucker and Aymett at  615-893-1134.