Have you written a formal will? You may think you are too young to write a will, but it may be in your best interest to start your will and estate planning now. You never know what the future holds, and writing your will now with a licensed attorney experienced in probate law will ensure all goes to plan for your family and loved ones in the future.


Many people look to plan their will around 50 or even 60 years old. However, it is recommended to write your will when you reach adulthood or when you get married and start a family. When you start accruing assets such as a home, car, or savings account, you should determine who will receive those assets if you pass. Life is unpredictable, and having your will in order as soon as possible will ensure your assets go to family and loved ones. According to cnbc on Oct. 29 2022 “Two-thirds of U.S. adults have no will.” If a will is not written before a person’s passing, the deceased assets will be distributed according to the judgment of a judge or government official. An experienced, licensed attorney can help determine the best time to write your will and the recommended steps to take.


There are many services and do-it-yourself guides on writing your own will. However, a will is likely one of the most important documents you will create throughout your life. What you decide to put in your will, will ultimately have ramifications on the lives of your friends and family. That being said, we recommend hiring a licensed attorney experienced in probate law to guide you in writing your will. There are specific standards and outlines that must be followed in writing any legal document, which could prove challenging for those not experienced in this area of law.


Our attorneys at Rucker, Rucker, and Aymett are experienced in probate law and can help guide you through will and estate planning. You can reach out to us for a free consultation here: https://rralawfirm.com/.

